What is your background, and how did you get into finance?
I graduated with my undergraduate degree from USD and while I was searching for jobs I was contacted by my company to basically apprentice into this industry. I was raised in a money savvy family that was very entrepreneurial and it was a great fit right from the beginning.
Were you successful initially, or did you have problems at first?
I experienced tremendous obstacles in the beginning. Focus was definitely one of them. Transitioning from being in college to building your own business took a huge adjustment. Shortly after that I got married and right as my business really started to take off my husband went through an illness that was a setback initially but then became the focus I needed to really succeed.
Do you have any secrets for balancing being a mom with being a great investor?
My secret to the mother family balance is to put boundaries on your work schedule and clients. I had to set hours of operation and literally, when I get home, my phone gets turned off and put away. Technology is great, but can be the worst if you don't know when to put it down.
What advice would you give to a busy mom who is interested in learning how to trade stocks?
For a busy mom who wants to learn how to invest, find a great professional who can be your partner and guiding light for your family’s financial success. You can't do it all, and as many busy mothers wouldn't want to redo the roof, they likely should make sure they aren't running their own investments.
What keeps you going and motivated?
I love the impact I make on my clients. I love helping them take the first step towards financial freedom. It is rewarding to bring clarity to a couple/family that is juggling to many things daily. I get to take pressure off of them in an area that can be the cause of many fights otherwise.
Can you share a little about your family with us?
I am married with two kids and two dogs. We love to hike and travel and are a very active family. I strive to be home to cook a fresh meal for my family every night I can.