What's Happening at OTA June 2020

Insights from OTA
Welcome to June and the unofficial start of summer. We are not sure what summer will look like this year but at OTA we have a lot in store for you. Please check out the online schedule and all the resources available to you.
Did you know it’s easy to connect with OTA wherever you have an internet connection – Download the Mobile App. Find it in any app store– MyOTA -Online Trading Academy (make sure you see the OTA logo). It is FREE, fantastic and will remind you of many of the upcoming weekly sessions and allow you to access your calendar.
While Covid-19 restrictions are still in place in most locations, we are seeing a gradual lifting of restrictions and a few centers beginning to schedule classes in-center – of course with appropriate sanitary and social distancing considerations. Our online education and resources continue to be widely used, so you can stay connected from your home. Below is a summary of online sessions conducted in May - as you can see, a lot is going on!!

New Students
We want to highlight special classes just for new students: Class Prep Day, offered online and in-center. This session will prepare you to navigate our Virtual Classrooms and CliK. We will review utilizing class resources, preparatory lessons, and CliK tools. Personal CliK accounts will be set up for qualified students without a personal CliK login.
To register MyOTA > MyClasses > Class Prep Day – Online > Class Dates (and request the class you’d prefer)
Class Prep Day (for Core)
Matthew Troisi - 6/4 7:00am pacific
Class Prep Day (for Core)
Matthew Troisi - 6/18 7:00am pacific
Live Online June Class Schedule
Live Online Class Schedule
Professional Options Trader 2: Steve Suminski - 6/1-6/5
Professional Futures Trader: Craig Weil - 6/1-6/5
Core Strategy: Nikki Sitze - 6/6-6/11
Professional Options Trader: Larry Jacobson - 6/8-6/12
Strategic Investor Part 1: Jordan Matthews - 6/15-6/16
Strategic Investor Part 2: Jordan Matthews - 6/17-6/19
Core Strategy: Scott McCormick - 6/20-6/25
There are two ways you can register:
- Call your local Student Support Specialist
- MyOTA > My Education > pick the class tile that says online – example Options Online> Class dates
Signature Showcase
We care deeply about our students and want to give you the opportunity to connect with fellow traders in a session we call ‘Signature Showcase’. We are inviting students from the network to connect online and feature a guest instructor to provide market insights, updates, and trading strategies. It will be fun and interactive, and we hope you can take the time to join us online.
Look for the Signature Showcase events in your Upcoming Classes on the Dashboard and in the Calendar. In the Showcase you’ll learn more about upcoming Signature Series classes.
Signature Showcase Schedule
Fabulous Forex: David Warner – June 1-3 8:30am – 2pm PT
Riding the Wave: Bob Dunn – June 8-10 6am- 1pm PT (15 seats left)
Hedging & Investing with Spreads: Brandon Wendell – June 29-July 1, 6am – 12:30pm PT (just added)
Watch for emails and My OTA Dashboard messages for upcoming Signature Showcases.
Mastermind Community
Join us June 17th, 8:30 - 10:00 am Pacific for the worldwide launch of GPS - Options!!!
Steve Suminski, OTAs 2019 Options Instructor of the year, will lead students every week on a guided journey into the world of Options from the perspective of an active options trader, analyzing the broad market, providing Core Strategy analysis for Options setups and building a portfolio of positions from three separate symbol pools:
- A pre-set, consistent, every-week watchlist of major markets and companies where advanced Options traders are free to select their own strategies and for newer Options traders, suggested strategies for each symbol based on strategies found in the Options I and II classes
- Student requests analyzed in a "speed round" by Steve and the MMC members where the group quickly picks a strategy for the chart
- Steve's surprise basket of prepared analysis and setups where ANY Options strategy is on the table
Lastly, and by popular demand, Steve will maintain an active portfolio of positions from each GPS - Options session allowing him to review week by week all setups, entries, exits and adjustments from prior and existing trade ideas.
If that's not enough, Mastermind students who need additional explanation will have access to a once a week, one-hour Spotlight session to discuss concepts and ask questions about any strategies that were set-up during the GPS - Options session.
This is just the beginning of many more great things to come!
CliK Corner

CliK Experience Schedule
Clik Experience: William Corrin - 6/10 - 1:00 Pacific
Clik Experience: William Corrin - 6/18 – 9:00 Pacific
Clik Experience: William Corrin - 6/26 – 9:00 Pacific
This content is intended to provide educational information only. This information should not be construed as individual or customized legal, tax, financial or investment services. As each individual's situation is unique, a qualified professional should be consulted before making legal, tax, financial and investment decisions.
The educational information provided in this article does not comprise any course or a part of any course that may be used as an educational credit for any certification purpose and will not prepare any User to be accredited for any licenses in any industry and will not prepare any User to get a job.