What XLT Means to Me…

Be sure to check out the video at the end!!
The XLT or eXtended Learning Track is unique to Online Trading Academy and delivers a comprehensive online learning strategy, reinforcing skills and empowering students to follow along with an instructor in real-time while they teach and trade in the financial markets. It’s timely, it’s focused, it’s collaborative and it means so much to thousands of students who actively participate in classes every week.
OTA introduced the first XLTs over 15 years ago. The origin of XLT came from many student requests that can be placed in one of three categories we refer to as the Triple A challenge. Students wanted an educational environment that gave them ACCESS to great instructors, where they APPLIED what they had learned and it was AFFORDABLE.

Revolutionary at its time, the sessions continue to engage legacy and new students every day. Broad Market Analysis and Momentum Trading were the first and were designed to provide the student with access to an instructor who was able to articulate real-time market moves and provide context for choosing whether to take a trade. At the time, this level of energy and excitement was a novel approach to learning how to trade, because it wasn’t just about teaching the knowledge and mechanics of trading but showing you that it can be done…and YOU too can learn to trade with confidence, like the professionals! Further, our commitment to lifelong learning could be realized even more in the XLT and we responded by developing tracks to support every asset.

We all know markets change over time and people’s interests and habits do too! The team understood that our students’ education is not simply an event, but a process that can be nurtured and cultivated with time and attention; and when life gets in the way, they can take a pause and come back later. Many students joined us years ago and some have taken breaks along the way…but one thing that stays consistent is that the XLT in every asset continues to be there for our students with outstanding instructors who know exactly how to break down the trade set up in simple terms and prepare them for the emotional journey that invariably exists with each trading decision.

On the flipside, the XLT has evolved too. Initially, it was simply a virtual learning session, but so much more value has been added, including: OTA Picks for every asset, the Strategic Investor Model Portfolio, useful reference documents and tools by asset, self-paced videos for review and reinforcement, ability to submit trade reviews, access to build and reference your trade plan and create multiple trade trackers, access to download session-driven prep screens…and the support of a vibrant community!
And with the sense of community in mind, over 10 years ago we introduced the XLT-All Asset Mastery where Mastermind Community students engage at the highest levels and benefit from tools like the Supply and Demand Grid, Market Screener and Daily Market Overview…and interact collaboratively in additional sessions like GPS and the Instructor Spotlight and outside of class in the Mastermind Community Clubhouse and Facebook group.

Today, there are seven XLTs representing Core Strategy, Forex, Futures, Options, Stocks, Strategic Investor and of course the All-Asset Mastery. We even offer a General Session a couple times a month for all students to get together in the same room! With over 100 sessions a month being delivered to students from every part of the globe, the XLT is a shining example of education in action that has delivered on OTA’s vision “to be the premier financial education community for people anywhere in the world who seek an enriched lifestyle”. And, students benefit from having a variety of over 20 instructors with different teaching and trading styles to choose from. Some were market-makers and others are former students. So, if one concept isn’t getting through, each asset’s scheduled offerings have a handful of instructors teaching who may provide a variety of approaches and new perspectives.
You can check out our instructor profiles here.
And …this is really What XLT Means to Me!