Upcoming Options Class with Larry Jacobson

Have you been thinking lately about which class you wanted to take next? ‘Dr. J is back in the house!! – yes, we’re talking about our very own Dr. Larry Jacobson, who will be teaching our Online Options class on December 13th to17th (7am-2pm PT Mon-Fri). He is ready to open your mind to Options which gives you, the investor, the opportunity to leverage reward while minimizing risk. Before going into 2022, why not enroll in a class that will give you the ability to invest when market prices are going up, down or sideways AND teach you strategies to capitalize on bearish moves right within your IRA!
Contact your center to enroll today or simply click on the Overview Tab on the Options Online course tile in My OTA and request upcoming class dates. Whether you are new to Options or need a refresher to get your trading plan back on track, now is the time to Exercise your Options!

Enroll today! You’ll be glad you did.