To Our OTA Family: Happy New Decade!

Turning the Page on a New Decade

Yes, it’s more than just a “new year”, we are turning the page on a new decade, and it is an incredibly exciting time in our world and in our company. US Presidential elections, disruptive technological innovations are changing entire industries and even countries; the world seems to be spinning faster and faster, the pace of business is dizzying! And so much more! 

At times like this I find it important to hang on to what is true, noble, right, pure, admirable and lovely. That is our anchor, and love is the greatest of virtues and values. It’s what OTA has been built on, and it is the foundation of all relationships and all that is good. It is an honor, joy and privilege to work in a company with so many people we love and who love us – let’s cherish that and continue to live it out in the decade ahead of us. Great cultures are built on love as the dominant value – and we have a great culture. 

Our Mission 

What is also true, noble, right, pure, admirable and lovely is our mission to enrich lives worldwide through exceptional financial education. I love that we all believe so deeply in this mission and do our best every day to live this high calling. And what we provide to our students every day, week, month and year gets better all the time. CliK, for one, is just really beginning to impact our students’ learning journey, and soon, their trading results. Our online education offerings are improving seemingly every day – with so many new On Demand courses and new education resources being adding, I’m sure it’s hard to keep up with.

All of this – everything we do – grows in importance as time goes by. Maybe even more now than ever, after a huge runup in the financial markets for the past few years. Masses of people are being lulled into a false sense of security thinking that they can continue to neglect the development of their investment skills and knowledge because “they are doing OK”, and we all know how that could end. And what good is “zero commission” trading when they don’t know how to trade?

Believe it and Live it

So, as we begin this new decade, I want to thank you all on behalf of the executive team at OTA Franchise Corp for your dedication, your sacrifices, and your love for our students, our teammates and our business. Great things are in store for Online Trading Academy in the 2020s – believe it and live it!

Much love,
