OTA + Dale Carnegie = An Investment in People

Mention Dale Carnegie and you probably think of corporate training, public speaking and self-improvement. Mention Online Trading Academy and you think of exceptional financial education, our dedication to student empowerment and of course, love. Now, put them together and what do you get?
A four-week, customized motivational course that inspired, delighted and empowered 40 OTA employees tapped by the C-Team. “I first took the Dale Carnegie program 25 years ago and it changed the trajectory of my leadership career with its foundational and timeless principles,” says Mike Richardson, company president. “We are so delighted to pay that forward by investing in our employees and their leadership development.”
The Dale Carnegie mission is to “provide people everywhere with better, richer, more fulfilling relationships and a better way of life, both professionally and personally.” One of the program’s core beliefs is that it’s possible to change other people’s behavior by changing one’s behavior toward them.
“Going through Dale Carnegie not only helped me understand more about myself and how I process information but allowed me to see and better understand the people that I work with,” said April Whitcomb, Operations Coordinator and one of the course participants, or “contributors”. “Since taking this course, I have noticed that I am able to connect with different personalities at a deeper level. I have also been able to see the change in others that were in the course with me and watch them have better relationships with coworkers.”
The course was customized to include OTA’s student-focused mission and core value of love. Modules delved into issues such as “Communicating with Diplomacy, Tact, Integrity & Respect” and “Engagement: Love, Collaboration, Respect, Trust, Passion & Innovation”.
“Understanding how to effectively engage with everyone you interact with, whether it be in a work or personal environment, is a key aspect of your ability to be successful in all areas of life,” says contributor Jenna Perez, OTA Tax Pros Operations Supervisor. “I have already begun to use what I have learned in many aspects of my job.” Matthew Funk, Online Marketing Manager, another contributor, put it this way: “Investment in people is investment in our world’s greatest value – each other. Online Trading Academy’s Dale Carnegie course put this principle into practice, preparing individual managers to be leaders in the OTA family by showing them that the best way to lead is to lead with love.”
The Dale Carnegie course is just another way OTA continually reinvests in the advancement and empowerment of its employees. “In total, we have put 80 employees through our program, which is a big investment in people. That’s our culture of love”, said Mike.
Jenna agrees: “It is such a great feeling to know that I work at a company that cares about investing in their employees to succeed in life and at work.”