Supporting the Community on National Give Something Away Day

As part of our B-Corp Initiative, and in honor of National Do Something Nice Day, we partnered with The Salvation Army to help our OTA Family bring their tax-deductible donations for convenient handling and to support the Adult Rehabilitation Center in Anaheim which provides no-cost rehabilitation programs, counseling, food, & shelter for 175 men & women in Orange County.

Thomas Redmond, OTA’s Sr. IT Support Coordinator, and Jr. Systems Administrator spearheaded the event.  

“Tying back with our company’s values as a B Corp, I wanted to do something nice for the community and help out others,” says Thomas. "I thought the Salvation Army was a good fit”

Since Thomas can remember, he and his family made it a priority to donate their used clothing and other items they no longer needed to charitable organizations.

“It feels good to give back to the community.” Thomas shares. "Plus, I know how hectic our lives can get. All of us have busy schedules. I work an early shift. After I leave work, I go to the gym, run errands, etc. By the time I get home at night, I ran out of time to run by and drop off donation items. Then I get busy on the weekend and over time, things either pile up, or you end up throwing things away.”

Thomas thought having the truck come out would help simplify lives while at the same time help the community. It turns out Thomas was right. Many turned out for this special event donating computers, clothing and other household items.

“People want to give back, donate things that they're no longer using, and make sure that they go to somebody who can use them.”  says Thomas.

This may be one of the many reasons why the Salvation Army has been in service since 1865, helping to meet human need wherever, whenever, and however they can. From disaster relief and providing shelter to the homeless, to combating addiction, fighting human trafficking, helping veterans, assisting the unemployed, the elderly, children, the LGBTQ community, and domestic abuse victims, over 130 countries around the globe, and 25 million Americans annually benefit from this organization.

We are proud to help support the community and our world in this way.

Thank you for your hard work Thomas, and thank you to all who participated in this event.

What The Salvation Army CAN take:

All Household Items such as: appliances, electronics, furniture, housewares, linens, bikes, books, tools, patio items, mattresses, sports equipment, pianos, clothing, shoes purses/accessories, jewelry, etc.

What The Salvation Army CAN’T take:

  • Soiled, stained or ripped mattresses or furniture
  • Liquids like cleaning supplies, paint, motor oil, etc.
  • Propane tanks, fireworks, firearms, ammunition
  • Food from refrigerator or dry goods
  • Regular recyclables like cardboard, plastic or aluminum
  • Trash, such as you would normally dispose of yourself

Call 1-800-SA-TRUCK for future donation pick-ups!