Challenge Games can take your skills up a notch!!

Gaining knowledge is a critical part of a trader’s journey. Equally important is gaining skill, and that’s what the challenge games are all about. After a quick review, your Lab Instructor will present a challenge that includes a few steps to solve, and then say, “Go!”. You will use CliK, or your trading platform, to recreate the steps and solve the challenge. At first, you may be scrambling to solve the challenge in the allotted time. That’s OK, because as you improve your skills, you’ll get faster. In fact, you should struggle bit as you’re building muscle memory and pushing your brain. Pro athletes are very deliberate in their workouts, and your Lab Instructor will be very deliberate in the exercises they present, and the purposeful spacing allowed between each challenge.
You’ll throw your answer in that chat when asked to reveal, so don’t do it in advance, as we want everyone to have a chance to do their own thinking. Your Lab Instructor will then provide some informative feedback on each challenge, and you’ll self-correct. Oh, as the name suggests, these are Challenge Games. This is your chance to take trading from a solo sport to a group activity, so please fully participate and help this team grow. We will get through 5 to 10 challenges in this one-hour foundational session. Your brain should be tired and ready for a break. If not, this trading skill was too easy, so you should look for other challenge game skills to reserve a seat in.
Are you ready?
Go to the My Resources>>>Learning Labs and click on the date and time on the calendar for your next Challenge. And don’t worry, we’ll fill you up with more free credits if you run out!