A Company that Leads with Love

What does it mean to be a real leader in your industry? In all my years advising business leaders, I’d heard many answers to this question. But the one that stood out to me the most came from Eyal Shahar, founder and CEO of Online Trading Academy. “To affect real change, you must impart real love.”

This sentiment resonated so profoundly with me that I went from consulting with the company to taking on the role of President.

This commitment to affecting change through love is the force behind Online Trading Academy, and the company’s remarkable growth as a world leader in financial education.

Online Trading Academy went from a single location in Orange County, California to over 45 centers worldwide, giving ordinary people the chance to take control of their financial future. To date, more than 450,000 people have experienced our education.

The growth of the company and its student community boils down to three tenets that are uniquely practiced here.

Be fearless.

Love is not the opposite of hate. It’s the absence of fear.

When you truly understand innovation, you realize it cannot flourish in a culture where fear is even remotely present. When employees love what they do, they give you something more valuable than any product or task — they give you their ideas.

In an environment where it’s okay to fail, your employees tap into a deeper well of creativity and innovation, and feel inspired to make their work a success.

We’ve created this as well for our students. At any of our global centers, students can practice their trading and investing skills as they navigate the financial markets.

Be transparent.

We publish all student reviews and class ratings on our public website. Our 95% student satisfaction rate is comprised of all reviews for full transparency.

Individuals who visit our centers are often seeking a path to financial freedom. To help guide students on this journey, we must earn their trust and inspire confidence.

We bring real student journeys to the forefront, such as those which comprised our “Invest In Your Why” marketing campaign. Common among these stories was the sense of not only acquiring a life-changing skill but becoming connected to a community that felt like family.

Be impactful.

In 2017, Online Trading Academy became a certified B Corp*, joining a select number of companies who’ve demonstrated being a force for good — not just for its employees and customers, but the global community as well.

The company continues to help democratize financial freedom through OTAcademy, a free educational content site available to all, covering foundational topics on college funding, credit management, and more. In addition, OTA has also shown a commitment to sustainable supply-chain management, and charitable initiatives like Rise Against Hunger.

So how can you affect change in the world through an environment of love? Our answer is enriching lives worldwide through exceptional financial education.

Mike Richardson, President of Online Trading Academy

 *Certified B Corporations are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit. They are legally required to consider the impact of their decisions on their workers, customers, suppliers, community, and the environment. This is a community of leaders, driving a global movement of people using business as a force for good.